Understanding Identity Profiles in SailPoint IDNow

Identity Profiles:

Identity Profiles are used for creating Identities within the SailPoint IDNow.

Respective HR Source application is connected to single Identity Profile.

Setup Identity Profile:

Basic Settings:

Configure the Basic Identity Profile Settings, invitation configuration, sign-in methods, etc… other details.


Here in this tab we map the HR Source attributes to the respective identity attributes of sailpoint.

If we need to create new identity attribute, we can create by adding new attribute(It will reflect in all Identity Profiles) and also don’t delete any attribute configured in the Identity Profile bcz it will delete from other Identity Profiles too. So, be cautious while handling attributes.

Make the attributes searchable which needed for correlation.

We can make maximum of 15 attributes searchable in sailpoint and we can configure N number of identity attributes.

Map the Life Cycle State Variable from the HR Source application to perform the provisioning. Based on this attribute (active or inactive or any other custom attribute) we perform the provisioning actions.


Enable the provisioning action under the attributes (active or inactive, etc..)

Configure required settings

Now we are ready to run the Identity Profile . click the apply changes.

New Identities will be created for the accounts from the mapped HR Source application.

Based on the correlation with in the HR Source application configured (If accounts not presented with the sailpoint with the correlation condition) the identity will be created.

Manager correlation will be perform and manager will be attached to the Identity based its manger name in the HR Source application.

Now we can check Identites tab, we see Identites are created for the accounts and manager will be mapped to the identity.

I appreciate you reading till the end! Let me know your thoughts or if there's anything I should add. Cheers! 🎉